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BioConnect.TX Database

San Antonio is a city of healthcare and bioscience innovation, with unique capabilities found nowhere else in the U.S.  It is a unique and collaborative ecosystem where innovations such as Lasik eye surgery and the expanding heart stent were pioneered and invented. BioConnectTX catalogues San Antonio’s unique ecosystem assets into one place. You can check out the BioConnectTX dashboard below to view and search for military healthcare organizations, FDA manufacturers, research institutions, funding sources, and much more.

Our ecosystem is constantly evolving, and we are always adding more information, so please feel free to click below to spend a couple of minutes providing the most up to data or suggest a new entry.

  • 1. Search the bioscience and healthcare ecosystem.
  • 2. Navigate San Antonio's resources, influential champions and institutions.
  • 3. Partner with a growing community of over 300 institutions and departments.

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