Our Family of Businesses

Over the past 38 years, TRTF has established and incorporated a suite of businesses to work together on advancing the bioscience and healthcare industry, spurring innovation and economic growth, strengthening San Antonio’s entrepreneurship ecosystem, and creating a legacy that impacts the community.


Established in 2017 as a 501c3, VelocityTX is helping early-stage bioscience companies launch innovative breakthroughs that can significantly change and save lives at a global level. Learn more at velocitytx.org.

Alamo Angels

Incorporated in 2020, Alamo Angels is San Antonio’s premier network of accredited angel investors investing in the next generation of entrepreneurs across a wide variety of industries. Learn more at alamoangels.com.

Community House

Established in 2019, Community House offers a legacy option for family businesses at a generational transition. Learn more.